Artist Melinda McCarthy is not just a visual artist, she has a musical side too!
From a very young age she dabbled around with various instruments, but it took finding her biological roots in Hungary and Transylvania along with a few serendipitous moments along her path of discovery before she took this side of herself seriously.

First taking up double (upright) bass, she joined folk band Vardos playing traditional Eastern European folk music (mainly from Hungary and Romania) with whom she toured all over Australia, New Zealand and even all the way to the UK for Edinburgh festival.
Later she moved to London where she played with Palinka playing traditional Hungary with a focus on Hungarian music from Transylvania. During this time, she discovered the Koboz and the Csango music with which she fell in love.
Since residing in New York, she has played music from these same regions with both bass and koboz for the Hungarian community in New York, New Jersey, and Washington DC with bands Fenyes Banda, Eletfa, Szikra and Holdvilag.
Holdvilag formed by Melinda and Furulya (Shephard Flute) player Balazsi Gabor back in 2017. Since this time the band has grown to include Peter Horvath on violin and Jacqueline Duran on accordion
Playing this music has taken her to all of these regions to learn from musicians in villages and music camps and where so much more than just music is always discovered!

Now with this inspiration Melush (Melinda McCarthy) has started composing music of her own. If you have watched her youtube, you would have heard some of it in the background of various animations or you may have seen the film clip Cetus and the Unicorn featuring the Koboz. This song was essentially the first of her compositions, made in her earlier stages and republished into her newer YouTube channel. You can see more under Bardboz.
Since this time her skill and repertoire of compositions has increased and there are plans in the works for musical projects to bring this music to you!
If you check out the virtual gallery, you will hear the sweet sounds of the kobk accompanied with guitar (and a few birds from outback Australia, recorded on a vist there!). Both played by Melush in one of her more recent compositions.
You can also check out her band Holdvilag on facebook. Ah the Covid has meant not so many gigs or chances to practice, but we are getting back into the swing, so hopefully more shows and posts to come!

New Project
Currently under development,
Melinda McCarthy has been working away on the concept for a live show. Working with all her folk music friends, the show is now transitioning from concept to realization!
Ultimately slated for 2024, read more here…….