Many people ask me why would I want a demon looking little creature as my logo. Well I don’t really like to think of him as a demon as such. He is actually from a painting I did over 10 years ago (pictured above). It was inspired by stories of sorcerers who were said to hatch little “demons’ (for want of a better word), to do their bidding. These little creatures were not inherently bad, it really depended on their master. They did however tend to drive their masters a little crazy however if not kept busy! With nothing to do, they would constantly try and come up with more and more ideas to try to please them!
As an artist, this story resonated with me I felt like I must somehow already have one of these creatures in my head, constantly filling it with suggestions of all the wonderful and crazy things I could be doing, creating, being. It sometimes is overwhelming as I try to finish one thing and then have ten more thoughts in my brain. The sorcerer had to find them a never ending task to find peace, but for me I just have to just keep on creating.

So folks meet Súgó (pron. shoogo) my little helper. When ever I think I am nearly finished a body of work he is already whispering new ideas into my thoughts. During the pandemic, I started a whole pile of paintings for a new show. I keep thinking I am done but then am given something else to add. Oh and plus this website update! Oh and what about your books? (yes I have books too which will be available here soon. It is a must. After all he is a main character in some of them!) Oh and your music, and what about….
So with all this in mind, my logo is like my little super hero side kick! I never have to worry about not having anything creative to do, rather which thing to do first! Or how to find the time to do them all!
Needless to say, Súgó has been just fine with me being stuck in quarantine because now I have no excuse to ignore all his little ideas, and whims and well it has been nice to give space and time to the creative process and explore all the ideas that flood into my mind.
Soon their will be all sorts of new work to show on here. This is only the beginning! Soon you will see new paintings, as well as other types of new artwork, art books and all sorts of exciting creativity unfolding right here. Yes I have been in dialogue quite a lot with my little side kick during this time and it has been nice tapping back into the creative well.
I guess in a way he is like that little inner voice. We all have one, I just manifested an image of mine and that is why he became my logo. He represents the constant flow of creative ideas. So if you are feeling frustrated social distancing, trying to think of something to do sit very quietly and listen, maybe you have a little Súgó too!
Oh and if you are looking for someone to commission for a creative task, Art of Melush and the ever creative Súgó are up to the task! Check out our services page for more info or send us a message on our contact page.