Ah summer days, summer heat! Things may have seemed a little quiet here in the studio, no new images? Well, with such heat, paint dries too fast and gives off fumes, even though I use specialty oils that do not have the same problems with fumes normally, but on a boiling hot summer day?
However, this does not mean nothing is happening here at Art of Melush. Quite the opposite!
Summer is a bit of a time to reflect and spawn new ideas and whilst doing so, also gives me time to reflect on work from my previous show. It is amazing how you can can come up with an image and even a year or more later the resonance of it still finds meaning.
Take Burning the Dross, the first image above of my little salamander dancing in the fire while a woman pulls rubble away. An odd image? Perhaps. But then metaphorically, the last few years have seen us all be either the salamander or the woman in the rubble. And yes I have seen myself be both.
The woman pulling away the rubble. Getting rid of the weight holding me back. Getting rid of that which does not serve me.
The Salamander dancing victoriously among the flames, for even while things seem to be falling apart, new things are revealed. A chance to start over. A chance to rise from the flames like a Pheonix.
The Salamander does not get burnt by the flames. How too can we achieve this? To not be burnt out by our situations?
Then with Royal Dissolution, our little King and Queen swimming nude above the dragons. They have been through the flames and now cleanse themselves in the sea.
Perhaps there are uncertainties lurking below, but they aren’t necessarily threats, just unknowns. Thus, they bravely swim and enjoy the cooling water. Enjoying a time of seeing possibility. Of freedom now they have released themselves from what was bogging them down, holding them back.
Which then brings me to my painting Butterflies. For the butterflies the woman sees are not part of material reality.
These are the butterflies within her soul. The little flutters of potential in her minds eye, emerging from deep down inside. Little sparks of creativity.
Well I guess this sums up summer ponderings for me. The time when new ideas for paintings are sketched out, new stories formed.

And so while all this reflecting has been going on, a new journey in my music has been emerging!
You may have seen the little animations with music appearing in my YouTube. Little jingles to go with my characters or my little sidekick (logo) Sugo.
But on top of that full new tracks have been developing as I continue to hone my skills on the Koboz. Yes that pear shaped instrument you see me holding.
Where does it come from?
Well, that is another story for another day.
A story that will be told, for in my summer ponderings, I realized that I do have many stories. They fuel my art as every painting is a story onto itself. Likewise is every song.
Get ready for many tales to be told. Many more immersive experiences. It is time for Art of Melush to really let you into the world of the artist. I hope you will join me!
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